This is a study highly useful for students who are pursuing medical research and studies in the public healthcare domain. A study depends heavily on descriptive statistics, presented via well crafted tables. Standard deviations are a crucial part of the study. Kruskal – Wallis test was applied to test the null and alternative hypothesis. Paired T tests were also applied. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test was used to find the significant difference between the variables being considered. Lastly, the correlation between the different variables and the results of the tests was presented in detail, and the null hypothesis was found to be valid. All these tests can be easily applied using SPSS program.
This sample is that of a business study, where pre and post merger statistics for a company’s profits and margins are being compared. Mean, standard deviation and standard error mean are calculated as part of the paired sample tests. As students can see, the tests are carried out under varying circumstances, and for a number of variables, like turnover, return on investment and market to book value. Paired T test is applied to the variables to find out the quantum of change in variables in post merger scenario. Regression Analysis is also carried out, and a detailed formula is given for the same. ANOVA tables and graphs are presented to show the results with clarity.
A detailed market research analysis, this sample will be highly useful for understanding the application of various tests through SPSS. The sample shows the use of SPSS version 18, which is applied at major colleges across the globe. The Kurtosis test was used to find out the normality factor of the items in the databank. Similarly, for the interviews that were conducted to know the reaction of consumers towards the products, Crobach’s Alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of survey. Purchase intention, and other responses, of consumers were measured using a Likert scale, in a range of 1 to 5. Go through the Correlation tables carefully to understand the tests. The samples explain terms like reliability and validity of questionnaire and data in a simple manner. The results section is also accompanied by tables and illustrations.
This is a thorough economics project, studying factors like corruption, population, per capita income and expenditure. This sample starts with the Ordinary least squares estimation. The data that is obtained through this method are further subjected to White’s test for heteroscedasticity, since there is use of randomly collected data. Use of the Hausman test, a common econometrics tool, is also explained. Regression method is applied to the various factors, as they are compared and analyzed. The tables included in the sample show the T test results and standard error. The impact of various factors on the variables being studied is analyzed through meticulous calculations. The sample is suitable for understanding social science and econometric studies.
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