Data Analysis Using Minitab

Unlocking the value of your data

Data is of little use until they are analyzed. Minitab is a power data analysis tool that spots trends & problems and delivers valuable insight into the data. This tool has high speed and can perform various statistical tests such as Friedman test, sign test for non-parametric measures, time series, etc. However, the challenges encroached with data analysis using minitab can be overwhelming. To help research scholars, we, at Statistics Consultation offer data analysis using minitab service and enable them to obtain insight into their data.

How do we work?

Data analysis can be hard. To add more to this, handling large amounts of data, interpreting the output generated, etc. can make it a painful process. Our team of certified statisticians can provide you with customized analysis solutions and add value to your data.

  • Set measurement priorities - We will screen the research questions and check if they are clear, concise, and measurable. We then decide what is to be measured and how to measure it.
  • Collect data - After defining the research questions and determining the aspects to be measured, our team collects suitable data by employing various data collection approaches.
  • Analyze data - We manipulate the data in various ways and carefully proceed with the data analysis using a minitab tool.
  • Deliver results - In the last step we check for the reliability and validity of the output obtained and deliver you the final result.

Expert Minitab Support for Exceptional Research

Minitab offers a user-friendly interface and powerful statistical capabilities. However, unlocking its full potential requires expertise. Our Minitab specialists use their in-depth knowledge to deliver efficient, accurate data analysis, saving you time and ensuring reliable results for your research.


Our team of statisticians has extensive experience and specialized knowledge in using Minitab for data analysis. This expertise ensures precise and effective use of Minitab’s powerful features, delivering high-quality, reliable analysis for your research needs.


We offer a full range of Minitab services, from basic data analysis to advanced statistical modeling. Our tailored solutions ensure that you leverage the full capabilities of Minitab to meet your specific research objectives, enhancing the accuracy and depth of your analysis.


We provide detailed, easy-to-understand reports and interpretations of your Minitab analysis. Our comprehensive documentation helps you grasp the insights derived from the data, making complex statistical results accessible and actionable for your research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Expert Statistical Consulting for Doctoral Candidates

Our statistical consulting services are designed to help you meet your dissertation goals and achieve academic excellence. Find out how we can help you.